Saturday, October 24, 2009

Karnali bridge welcoming to the seekers

beautiful view from the bridge,

this river(karnali)is the longest river (507km) of Nepal and bridge length is 500mtrs.

standing near by Ashram

My dream projects:an ideal ashram for the whole being,this very land might be blessed one thats why im here for this mega project.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Praise for Bijaula

“Bijaula” is a phenomenal venture, and a debut tour de force by young author. It is an extra ordinary exploration into the heart of humanity with existential and pragmatic underpinnings. Nirmal has shown us a plethora of richly disorganized elements of life that we casually tend to avoid, but actually constitute the real elixir of life. A must read.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

busying on Bijaila, the chilli seeds

This BOOK (Bijaula) is my first novel which will be turn in to last. For me literature is not a fiction, it should be a real and non-fiction matters so i didn't want to coloured my thoughts with the imaginative cloths so i tried to put my fact and thoughts which provoked the BLAC door. Of course its really hard to listen its music but if anyone jump on it than certainly he may able to realize what reality is. In fact i have no any new subject to include inside this novel,
One of my good friend,(osho's fan) who had spent his 30 years to teach English literature in leading universities, he penned on my novel:
"Bijaula , is a kind of new invention, a revolution in modern literary world. I'm pleased to well come it in the Post modern cave. I love to call it an interesting monologue, where he evoke the fresh prospective to the modern world and he looks like a seeker, truth-seeker."
still working on it, from cover layout to internal setting, feeling irritation to read it again and again, option less so doing it day to day. I hope to see it with complete dress before Tihar, let’s see what happen! Tomorrow I’m going for meeting with Image Channel's General Manager, a friend suggest me to make media partner to publicize this novel.
Cover is ready, internal proof editing is going on...
afraid to expenses..... oh one thing ! I have a BIG hope to bag Future Asia-100 award. As organiser say's the final list ll out by 2nd week of octuber09. Remember someone, who is not here recalling his LIVE presence via eye-screen.