Saturday, June 6, 2009

Gone away

something happening,
on the deep down of soul
Attachments is here so
once again, i felt lots of agony in my mind
when i feel my room without Dulfon...
suddenly, mirad knocks my mind
his mischievs were not there..
...miss behaves were vanished
everytihng is setteled and as it is
But he was not there.

Again the dalima of his noughty presence
chessing me,
for the shake of soulmates.
My must loved paintings were on the ground of rememberence
Sweet memoirs push me towards Black-pond
where my dreams can rarely alive

once again i felt down
no one can understand me as he
although he couldn't communicate by this worldy language
But, simply i call my poor dreams on the green leaf of LOVE,
yes, there i knew
Dulfon kisses me by the airy nose,


  1. i know it hurts....thanks for loving him.....

  2. no matter wuts between glad dat u r ther fo' dalfon
